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  • White Spoon Unisex Costume

White Spoon Unisex Costume

Product #: WC58973

The White Spoon unisex costume for adults comes with a full body suit shaped to represent a spoon with a hole for your face. Shoes are not part of the costume. The White Spoon unisex costume for adults is currently available to purchase in one standard size meant to fit most adults.


Availability: In Stock

Regular: $ 27.95

Sale: $ 22.13
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Item Description

White Spoon Unisex Costume

Spoons hold a very important role in helping us eat anything that's liquid and countless desserts! The White Spoon unisex costume for adults is the exact costume you need to turn yourself into a giant spoon. So buy yourself a White Spoon unisex costume and get yourself some soup! The White Spoon unisex costume also makes for a great couple costume with our Fork unisex costume!

Brand: Rasta Imposta Costumes

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