Thanksgiving Costumes
Thanksgiving Chair Covers
$ 1.62 -
Pocahontas Girls Costume
$ 12.36 -
Native American Half Mask
$ 6.16 -
Turkey Headband
$ 11.47 -
Wolf Spirit Men Costume
$ 25.42 -
Adult Hand Turkey Costume
$ 39.24 -
Pow Wow Women Indian Costume
$ 38.37 -
Pilgrim Girl Kids Costume
$ 19.01 -
Colonial Soldier Kids Costume
$ 38.58 -
Colonial Girls Costume
$ 25.58 -
Navajo Indian Boys Costume
$ 19.68
Thanksgiving Costumes for All
Although in the U.S. there are several holidays that honor the courage of soldiers and recognize the struggles faced in the past two hundred plus years, Thanksgiving is the one that brings families closer together to truly contemplate the many earned blessings in this country. From its roots, this festivity has always been about appreciating goodwill, abundance and the ability of people of different cultures to coexist in peace in a way often difficult to match elsewhere in the world. The celebration dates back to 1621 to the arrival of the Pilgrims in Plymouth, Mass. The Pilgrims celebrated the reaping of the first harvest after surviving a very tough winter. The celebration was a way of thanking God for their blessings as well as the Native Americans who were very helpful to the pilgrims during their tough times and taught them how to survive in this new land.
Thanksgiving is often remembered though re-enactments of the first feast as well as theater that revolves around the main concept of the holiday. Celebrate Thanksgiving with one of these original costumes that will take you back to 1621, when pilgrims and native Indians worked and lived peacefully side by side. You will Find Colonial Pilgrim and Colonial Soldier Costumes, Indian Costumes and Turkey Costumes for adults and children of both genders. These are ideal of children’s school plays as well.