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Indian Chief Headdress Accessory

Product #: WC41782

The spirit of the eagle is in you!


Availability: Out of stock

Sale: $ 18.42
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Item Description

Indian Chief Headdress Accessory - Indian Costumes

Make your Native American or party outfit really stand out with this Indian Chief Headdress! In Native American Indian culture, tribal chieftains as well as participants in religious ceremonies often wore colorful and striking headdresses to symbolize their social status. Festive and flash, this headdress accessory features multicolored feathers that line the entire Headdress all the way down to the hanging tails that rest over the front of your torso.

The Indian Chief Headdress Accessory is exceptional for your Indian Chief Costume; it may even find its way into a school play or Native American themed production. Regardless of why you choose to purchase this decorative Headdress, you will undoubtedly stand out with poise at your next Theme Costume event.

One Standard Size fits most adults.

Costume and face paint are not included but you can purchase them separately. This Indian Headdress may be appropriate for a variety of different Indian Chief Costumes.

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