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  • The Incredibles Dash Kids Costume

The Incredibles Dash Kids Costume

Product #: WC36518

Dash can run faster than the speed of light!

  • Medium (7-8) - n/a


Availability: In Stock

Regular: $ 28.76

Sale: $ 17.18
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Item Description

The Incredibles Dash Kids Costume

The Incredibles Dash Kids Costume includes red, black and orange jumpsuit with attached belt and black character inspired eye mask. This Superhero Costume accessory is an officially The Incredibles Costume accessory (TM). This Movie Costume accessory is available in Toddler Size (3T-4T) and Child sizes Small (4-6), and Medium (7-8).

Please note this Disney Costume does not include shoes.

Brand: Disguise Costumes

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