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  • Green Lantern Hal Jordan Baby Costume

Green Lantern Hal Jordan Baby Costume

Product #: WC23027

"In brightest day, in blackest night..." Green Lantern saves the day!


Availability: Out of stock

Regular: $ 24.07

Sale: $ 21.33
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Item Description

Green Lantern Hal Jordan Baby Costume

Green Lantern Hal Jordan Baby Costume includes Green Lantern black and green jumpsuit with printed muscle contours and Green Lantern logo, and an eye mask to protect his identity. This is an officially licensed DC Comics (tm) Costume. This adorable Superhero Costume for boys is available in Toddler size (2T - 4T). Your little champ will save the his planet!

Please note shoes and ring not included.

Brand: Rubies Costumes

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