Ghastly Zombie Mummy Womens Costume

Product #: WC44175
Item Description
Ghastly Zombie Mummy Womens Costume - Halloween Costume
What-s scarier than either a Ghost, a Mummy, or a Zombie- All three combined! This year, Halloween is all about upping the spook factor, but don-t worry, you can still maintain your womanly allure with this Costume.
Ghastly Zombie Mummy Womens Costume includes a dress, a headband, and arm cuffs. The long, spooky grey gown subtly hugs your curves as it cascades to the floor. The tattered overlay and red splotches make it look like you were pulled out of the grave then took out your revenge on some unsuspecting passers by. The included tattered grey headband and arm cuffs with hanging drapes add extra terror to this creepy yet unmistakably feminine Halloween Costume.
Although the face paint, makeup, and jewelry are not included, far be it from us to tell a Mummy like you not to accessorize as you please. Before you turn violent, rest assured that you can also choose between a Womens size Small/Medium (2-8) and Medium/Large (10-14).
Brand: Funworld Costumes