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Elf Hat And Elf Shoes Set

Product #: WC45678

It is Elf Time!


Availability: Out of stock

Sale: $ 29.17
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Item Description

Elf Hat And Elf Shoes Set

When it comes to the many characters of the Christmas season, elves play an important role in what will go on at the North Pole. However, you will see elves at malls across the world, Christmas themed places and many other events. If you are looking to make the instant elf look, look no further than this hat and shoes set.

The Elf Hat And Elf Shoes Set brings one green and red felt hat. The hat has a bell on the top/tip of the hat. It is for ages 14 and up. With your order, you will receive one of four color elf shoes. The colors available are silver, gold, green and red. The shoes are made of polyester. They are one size fits most grownups. Accessories can be worn by males and females. They are meant for teen sizes and up.

Please take note that no elf costume is included when you purchase this item from us.
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