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  • Boys Superman Cape And Batman Gauntlets Set

Boys Superman Cape And Batman Gauntlets Set

Product #: WC55205

The Boys Superman Cape And Batman Gauntlets Set brings two things. First, you will receive the deluxe Superman Boys embroidered cape. It is one size fits most boys. Second, you will receive a pair of Boys Batman gauntlets.


Availability: Out of stock

Regular: $ 32.24

Sale: $ 21.29
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Item Description

Boys Superman Cape And Batman Gauntlets Set - Superhero Costumes

The Batman V Superman movie featured the two very popular superheroes. A boy can dress up as both with this costume set. The Superman cape and Batman gauntlets are the style of wear from the Batman V Superman movie as well.

Here is a great, quick dress up outfit to wear for Halloween, a comic book convention and many other occasions.
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