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  • Boys Hot Dog Costume

Boys Hot Dog Costume

Product #: WC55120

The Boys Hot Dog Costume for boys includes a lightweight over the head tunic made of polyester that is designed to look like a giant hot dog in a bun with a mustard accent. This costume is comfortable and easy to wear, all you have to simply do is put the hot dog tunic on top of normal clothes. The boy's Hot Dog costume is available in sizes 3T to 4T toddler and small (4 to 6).


Availability: In Stock

Regular: $ 25.88

Sale: $ 18.12 - 20.15
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Item Description

Boys Hot Dog Costume

Let your kid become an adorable delicious hotdog for Halloween with the purchase of this boy's Hot dog costume!

The brand of the costume is Rasta Imposta Costumes. The material of the costume is 100 percent polyester. The costume will not include any pants or shoes with your purchase.

Brand: Rasta Imposta Costumes

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