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  • Boys Golden Samurai Costume

Boys Golden Samurai Costume

Product #: WC51832

Samurai time!


Availability: Out of stock

Regular: $ 47.84

Sale: $ 38.88
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Item Description

Boys Golden Samurai Costume

In the Japanese culture, samurais are known to be part of a powerful military culture. They are no doubt powerful fighters and trained in many fighting techniques. For Halloween, a variety of parties, school or perhaps a Japanese themed event, this samurai outfit is perfect for a boy to dress up in.

The Boys Golden Samurai Costume brings brings a black and gold jumpsuit with a fabric mask. The outfit comes in sizes is available in sizes medium (7 to 8), large (10 to 12) and x large (14 to 16).

Gold shoes are not included when you purchase this golden samurai costume package.
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