An Under the Sea Transformation
Luxurious feathers, flashy scales, piercing eyes...when we're talking artistic inspiration, there's nothing quite like taking a bite out of the animal kingdom. In keeping with the popular trend of internet makeup and do-it-yourself costume tutorials, we bring you our very own 'Neon Jellyfish Costume and Makeup Tutorial' videos! Jellyfish are fascinating creatures indeed. Found in every ocean throughout the world, from the open surface to the deep sea bottom, jellyfish have thrived in one form or another for over 700 million years. The oldest multi-organ animal in existence, the jellyfish's surrealistic colors, and almost carefree manner of floating; easily lend it to the imagination of artists, writers, and poets. Our content assistant Aimee Mahmoud, guides you through the process of creating your very own quick & simple jellyfish umbrella - an essential piece towards assembling a jellyfish costume. Next, we have a festive and colorful makeup tutorial inspired by the varieties of bioluminescent jellyfish. The ocean casts an eternal spell on us; the life within is a diverse domain. After all, isn't life so much better down where it's wetter?