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  • Black Rooster Mens Costume

Black Rooster Mens Costume

Product #: WC54946

The Black Rooster costume for men includes a black tunic with attached wigs, a tail, and a rooster headpiece. The costume will not include any pants or shoes with your purchase. The Black Rooster is currently available in one standard men's size that is meant to fit most adults.


Availability: Out of stock

Regular: $ 42.92

Sale: $ 34.95
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Item Description

Black Rooster Mens Costume

Cock a doodle doo! Time to wake up the neighbors with the most classic noise to wake up to in the morning but what could also be somewhat annoying, a rooster's crow! Become the rooster with his dominant threatening wattle and its big tough feathers with the purchase of the Black Rooster men's costume!

Brand: Rasta Imposta Costumes

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