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  • Kids Amelia Earhart Aviator Girl Costume

Amelia Earhart Aviator Girl Costume

Product #: WC52091

A true high flyer!

  • Large - n/a


Availability: In Stock

Regular: $ 34.75

Sale: $ 21.27
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Item Description

Amelia Earhart Aviator Girl Costume

For many women and girls, Amelia Earhart is a legend. She flew many missions in airplanes across the world and was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean as a solo aviator. A young lady can dress up as this great pilot for Halloween or a school event with this outfit.

The Amelia Earhart Aviator Girl Costume brings a dark brown bomber jacket, light brown pants, white neck scarf, brown hat, goggles and safety light. It is available in sizes medium (8 to 10) and large (10 to 12). Made of polyester.

Please make note that boots are not included with this product purchase. You can purchase boots in our accessories section.

Brand: California Costumes

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