Albino Werewolf Costume Mask

Product #: WC42044
This Werewolf is Spooooooooooooooky!
Item Description
Albino Werewolf Costume Mask
Albino Werewolves are rare specimens but if you ever see one, run twice as fast as you would from a regular Werewolf. If you want to take your Halloween Werewolf Costume to the next level, the Albino Werewolf Costume Mask will kick it up a notch. This is quite a realistic Costume Accessory that will fright all through Halloween night.
The Albino Werewolf Costume Mask resembles a real life Arctic Werewolf that has taken a somewhat freakish human form. Its gash-like open mouth will have your peers trembling in fear; the exposed knife sharp fangs foreshadow what will occur once the Werewolf's jaws clench the flesh of its prey. Maybe this description is exaggerating a bit because let's face it, you won't really go around biting people. Nonetheless, it is a great Costume Mask to get some shocked reactions. This Mask comes in One Standard Size that should fit most Grown Ups.
You don't have to wear a shirt but if you do, it won't be the one in the picture because it does not come with the Mask.
Brand: Morris Costumes