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25 Inch Blue Ribbon Cutting Scissors With Red, Black And Light Blue Handles

Product #: WC53626

The ultimate ribbon scissor cutting set!


Availability: In Stock

Sale: $ 104.34
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Item Description

25 Inch Blue Ribbon Cutting Scissors With Red, Black And Light Blue Handles

You can embrace the ultimate ribbon cutting scissors set by purchasing this these scissors and the 3 changeable color handles.

The 25 Inch Blue Ribbon Cutting Scissors With Red, Black And Light Blue Handles brings four things. First, you will receive a pair of the 25 inch dark blue handle scissors. The handles are made of PVC. Second, you will receive a pair of red scissor handles. Third, you will get a pair of black handles. Finally, the light blue handles are also included.

Please take note that you can take all 3 handles and change them with the dark blue handles. This way you actually have three different scissors for special events!

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