Boys Toddler Walrus Costume
Product #: WC55132
This toddler's Walrus costume for boys features a gray tunic made of polyester material that has flipper sleeves, an attached tail, a headpiece with large blue eyes, a whisker mustache and long tusks. The costume will not be including any shoe or pants with your purchase. The toddler Walrus costume for boys fits Toddler sizes (3T to 4T).
Item Description
Boys Toddler Walrus Costume
Purchase this Walrus costume and let your little biologist dress up as this gentle giant of the Arctic. This fin footed marine mammal may be pretty intimidating in size, but is actually quite pleasant; except if you happen to be a shellfish!
The brand of the costume is Rasta Imposta Costumes.Brand: Rasta Imposta Costumes